My Friend, My Hero

What is a hero? A hero is defined as someone who is admired for courage. My friend Jeanne is a New York City police officer and she has given me a window through which I have been able to view the devastating effects of what happened at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. That day that will be remembered as a day when terrorism struck American soil. I have seen pictures of her standing in her uniform next to the ruins where the Twin Towers once stood and I was moved to tears at the devastation that took place there. Jeanne has demonstrated heroism by her selfless acts after the devastating events that took place on that fateful day in September of 2001.

Jeanne has told people that she and her fellow police officers walked in when the rest of the world walked out. She sat in her living room watching the horror unfold on her television screen and all of a sudden heard that all policeman were being asked to report to duty at the World Trade Center. She went to work that day and her life changed forever. She has witnessed unspeakable horror firsthand and says she will not soon forget the smell of jet fuel and rotting flesh. She did walk in when other people were trying to run away from the frightening events of that day and that makes her a hero to me.

Jeanne has made huge, personal sacrifices since that dreadful day in September; sacrifices that have and will effect the rest of her life. She tells me that she is a changed person and she will never be the same. The events of that day have taken a toll on her marriage and her health. She worked long hours right after the Trade Center collapsed, working 18-hour days during the first week. Working such long hours took a toll on her marriage and her health. Jeanne told me about the asbestos that was used during the construction of the World Trade Center. The asbestos has hindered the cleanup process and Jeanne wears a mask to protect herself while she works. She worries that she has ruined her health and that one-day she will have cancer because of the quality of the air she has been breathing.

September 11, 2001 is a day that people all over the world will remember forever. Many people lost love ones that day; children lost parents, mothers lost sons and daughters, and husbands lost wives. Many heroes emerged after the devastating events that day, people who gave of them selves unselfishly, and I am honored to count my friend Jeanne among them. It takes a special person to dedicate him or herself to a line of work where such horror is seen on a daily basis. My friend Jeanne has been forever changed as a result of what happened on that fateful day in September. How sad when those who want to help others end up being marred in the process.

Article written by Belinda in honor of my friend Jeanne, not to be used without permission.